Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i am still alive believe it or not...

Soooo I made a website...
It definitely needs some work but oh well huh. I have a deadline for tomorrow'spresentation and I made it. Code is cool shit, frustrating at times but worth it once your labor is rewarded with something that looks halfway presentable. The vast majority of the written content is just copy and pasted crap from wikipedia cause I was not trying to do more work than I had to. So go check it out, let me know what you think dudes. It is best if viewed in anything but internet explorer which is the worst browser in the world anyway and I feel sorry for you if you continue to use that trash.
fermentation proclamation


Anonymous said...

Couldn't you find something better to do a website for than BEER??????????

Not all of us even care for beer!!!!!


REIGNSoner said...

619 555 5555...that's a really easy phone number to remember...looks like you are missing two photo links on the front page...could just be this crap ps3 browser. Good job dude looking good!

Jrahn said...

yup, both links had uppercase characters which did not match..good lookin out.

TotusMel said...

Almost looks like you knew what you were doing!