I am not going to school today—too much to do. Gotta pay attention to the cat cause she has been feeling neglected. Of course there is plenty of laundry and additional cleaning to be accomplished also. If you don't already know, you should pick up the new TV ON THE RADIO album,(dear science). just taking a keen listening this morning and it is pretty good if you ask me. I am posting some pictures recently taken. There was Glenda's baby shower last week then Trina's going away drunken cat fest was this last weekend. I watched highlights of the Dolphins kick the holy living hell out of the Patriots—wish that one was televised. (Ronnie Brown is the truth.) We will see if the Chargers can get on board tonight with a win...Oh and the old senile guy in Oakland just fired another coach I think.
This is a very nice blog. I enjoy it. Go to school.
i seriously hate you.
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